Demi Pair(Au Pair) Program

Become a Demi Pair/ Au pair, Gold Coast in Australia

What is Au Pair/ Demi Pair?

A Demi pair is a part-time Au Pair(live-in Nanny), normally on a 12 month Working Holiday Visa or Student Visa.

An Au pair is also called a Live-in Nanny.

This is more suitable for people on a working holiday visa as the hours are longer.

An Au pair earns an allowance by helping with the housework and taking care of the children while living with the family.

There are also families that will offer up to $ 400 per week depending on their needs.

Demi Pair’s work hours and rewards

Demi pairs usually start from around 6:30 to 8:00 am and are then free to do what they want until around 14:00 pm daily.

They will then commence working as a Demi pair in the afternoon.

The weekend is normally free time for Demi pairs.

What a family will provide you 20 hours of work per week in exchange for….

  • Minimum 12 weeks accomodations
  • 3 meals a day
  • Family environment

Au Pair’s work hours and rewards

The average help time is between 30-40 hours per week.

Au pairs do require a higher level of English and a drivers license may be required for pick ups and drop offs at school.

The weekends is free time for Au pairs.

What a family will provide you 30 – 40 hours of work per week in exchange for….

  • your own room (in the host family’s home)
  • 3 meals a day
  • Small wage
    (The pay depends on the workload of the family. You can earn from $ 180 to 300 per week.)

4 reasons why you should choose being a Demi Pair in Australia.

1.Language benefit



2.Share house vs Demi pairs

Choosing a share house where only people from your country live may be comfortable, but it is the same as living in shared accomodation in your own country.

As a Demi pair you can learn from the family such as up bringing, customs, food and lifestyle.

3.Second family

Spending 3 months with a Demi pair family and getting to know them can sometimes make saying good bye difficult.

Children get used to the Demi pair and beg them to not leave, the host mother and father might ask you to extend your time with them.

It’s good to have a relationship where you can stay connected, even after you have finished.


4.Saving Money

Yes, money, when travelling money can become a big concern, and what matters most when you are travelling or studying abroad is the cost of living.

Rent and food expenses will always be the biggest expenses, as they are paid for and bought daily or weekly.

However, if you choose being a Demi pair, you can save on both of these, which gives you more money to spend on yourself or fun things to do in Australia.

Who can become a Demi pair / Au pair?

A DemiPair/Au pair is not a fully qualified nanny.

You will provide assistance to the parents, sharing housework and child-minding duties as required. Their age ranges from 18 to 30 years old, but generally are in their early 20s.

Demi pair Minimum Requirements

  • Over 18 years old
  • Love children or experienced in looking after children
  • Happy to help with house-work, including laundry and cleaning.
  • Outgoing, active, responsible and friendly.
  • Working Holiday Visa or Student Visa
  • 3 months stay or more
  • Elementary or pre-intermediate level English is ok.

Au pair Minimum Requirements

  • Over 18 years old
  • Love children or experienced in looking after children
  • Happy to help with house-work, including laundry and cleaning.
  • Outgoing, active, responsible and friendly.
  • Childminding experiences over 200 hours
  • Driver’s license with driving experience
  • Working Holiday Visa
  • 6 months stay or more
  • Over intermediate level in English

Demi Pair / Au pair Sample schedule

Au pair’s Daily Schedule

Morning start from 7.00 am
Make beds
Prepare children’s breakfast and assist with packing lunches
Assist children with brushing of teeth & hair, dressed and getting in the car
General tidy up of the kitchen after breakfast including stacking dishwasher & wiping benches
Until 11.00 am
 Take Children to activities with host mother.
Help host mother feed children so they can nap.
Break from 11.00 to 14.00
 Au pair have 3 hours break.
Afternoon start from 14.30
Prepare children’s dinner, Empty all bins and replace bag liner. Assist with bathing & dressing children.
Clear table after dinner & assist with tidying kitchen.
Supervise children with teeth cleaning/toilet, ready for bed.
General tidy up of toys.
Finish 18.30

Demi pair’s Daily Schedule

Morning start from 7.00 am
Wake children up
Prepare children’s breakfast and assist with packing lunches
Assist children with brushing of teeth & hair, getting dressed and getting in the car
Help feeding children. Clean up food mess and wash dishes (ie: the bowls, spoons etc)
Free Time 8:00-4.00
Demi Pair can attend language school, volunteer or have a part-time job.
Afternoon start from 16.00
Fold/ iron washing & put away, Empty all bins and replace bag liner, Assist with bathing & dressing children, play with children, clear table after dinner & assist with tidying kitchen, 
Supervise children with teeth cleaning/toilet, ready for bed.
General tidy up of toys
Finish 19.00

Program fee


About Aupair/demipair (10)

Yes, you can. Please check the details what program you would like to choose.

Usually yes.  Sometimes they charge a small fee for the internet.

A DemiPair is not a fully qualified nanny. You will provide assistance to the parents, sharing housework and child minding duties as required. The DemiPairs range from 18 to 30 years old, but generally are in their early 20s.

[Demi pair Minimum Requirement]

  • Age: Over 18
  • Love children
  • Happy to help with house-work, including laundry and cleaning.
  • Outgoing, active, responsible and friendly.
  • Working Holiday Visa or Student  visa
  • 3 months of stay or more.

[Au pair Minimum Requirement]

  • Age: Over 18
  • Love children
  • Happy to help with house-work, including laundry and cleaning.
  • Outgoing, active, responsible and friendly.
  • Working Holiday Visa
  • 6 months of stay or more.
  • Childminding experience 
  • Drivers license
  • Intermediate level of English

Extension is possible. It is an agreement made between you(Demiapir / Aupair) and your family.

Yes and No.

You have to be home before your work starts during the working week.    However just let your host family know what time you will be home if you are going to be late so they don’t worry.
If it’s your day off and you are going out and will be home late tell the family you won’t  need dinner. Please  tell your family in the morning so they don’t prepare food for you.
For Demipairs/Aupair, if you are staying out much later, like after 22.00, please stay at your friend’s house or  other accommodation as families  do not want the kids to wake up.

Yes, but you must give two weeks notice to your family and IWHP. And we don’t refund the demipair fee.
See our refund policy.

If you are only doing Demi pair or Auapair, we will place you on the Gold  Coast or Brisbane somewhere.
But if you attend a language school or if you already have a part-time job, we will try to arrange a host family who is located within 60 minutes from your school or work place by public transport or bicycle.
Please let us know your situation when you apply.

Yes, we will help you to get a Blue Card but you have to apply from their website

At I.W.H.P we will place you with a friendly Australian host family that has been carefully selected.
If you have any specific requirements such as religion, medical condition etc, please note that information into our application form.
You can’t choose family number, age and gender. We only consider above specific requirements.

Our I.W.H.P staff are available to help you if you have any aupair/Demi pair questions or problems