Hi everyone!
Thank you for visiting IWHP’s blog again!
I haven’t written my blog for a while again.
We’ve been busy answering inquiries and looking after our new students.
Also my parents came to visit us last week, so I didn’t have time to write anything.
Anyway, I would like to write about Brisbane again.
This time I would like to introduce the places you can go for free in Brisbane.
You might have been there before or you haven’t been there yet but if you have, I’m sure you can find other places to go!!
If you want to go sightseeing, free places are always the best!
Australian sightseeing places are always expensive..
So you should check discount information anytime!
Today’s topic is….
The free sightseeing spots in Brisbane.
Ok, we are going to have a look from Brisbane Central City.
The First Place is City Hall Brisbane!
There is a big old historical building with a clock tower in the centre.
The building was built between 1920 – 30.
I didn’t know anyone could have a look inside of this building.
When we went to the inside, we were surprised the ceiling was so high and beautiful.
Inside the City Hall is a small museum showing the history of Brisbane and the building itself, and also if you book, you can do a tour of the City Hall clock tower.
I was told you can climb to the top of the tower with a tour guide and he/she will show and tell you the history of the tower.
I took a picture of this paper cutout because it was beautiful.
This is the information about City Hall.
The Second Place is Treasury Casino – Brisbane
I couldn’t go inside because children are not allowed to enter as it is a casino.
But the outside of building is very beautiful and if you enjoy gambling, I’m sure you will want to visit this place, and even if you are not interested in gambling, it might be fun to just watch.
Originally it was a government administration building and was built between 1886 and 1928.
The building is also a hotel, which is a little expensive, but if you use Hotel Trivago on the internet you will always find a better deal
The Third Place is Botanic Garden Brisbane
The Brisbane Botanic Gardens, also known as the City Botanic Gardens and originally Queen’s park.
After researching first I found it was opened in 1855 ( The badge says1865…..but I don’t know why)
It is a historical park that follows along the Brisbane river and is an oasis in the city.
You can enjoy walking along the paths and while looking at a tropical plants and trees that are everywhere in this peaceful place.
There is a park for people with children to enjoy as well as a lovely path that goes along the river.
On Sunday you can go to a wonderful little market that is at one of the entrance ways to the gardens.
While we were walking around in the park and I took my parents to one of the interesting trees in the park and in the tree we found a possum!
It is not a very good image but isn’t it so cute??
This is the interesting tree I took my parents to, I think it is called a sausage tree.
Sunday Market in The Botanic Gardens
Next is South bank side!
South Bank is situated across the river from the CBD and is easy to reach by a few bridges that connect the CBD to South Bank.
But!! If you go to Brisbane on the weekends you can catch the City Hopper which is a ferry service for free…..But only the weekends and only the City Hopper ferry!!
If you are unsure that it’s the City Hopper, ask somebody.
I never knew that there was such a service and the first time I found out was by a customer waiting for the ferry who told us this ferry called the City Hopper is free on the weekends.
A lot of people get on the ferries and go somewhere, but I didn’t know where they were going and which ferry we could get on, so we never tried before.
It is hard to see which one is the “City Hopper”
They are old looking ferries coloured red and if you look carefully you should see the name City Hopper
Please find it and get on!
You can find the map of the ferry services from here.
A popular place in South bank is the Museum of Brisbane!
This place is also FREE!
You can spend hours in here looking at a lot of interesting and educational objects from Australia and around the world!
I like the area about Australian Animals and Insects best.
You can’t see them in own country so it is very interesting.
It was a kind of messy place a few years ago but they have renovated the inside of the museum, so it is much better now.
This panel is showing Australian populations and so on…
Very educational.
And if you go to South Bank in Summer time, you can enjoy the Free Lagoon area.
This picture is the play area for kids but there is also a swimming pool for Adults and children. And it is all FREE!
They are upgrading the pool side area right now so you can’t swim at this moment (It is cold now so nobody wants to swim though.)
This children’s area just reopened recently.
South Bank also has free bbq’s in the park for people who wish to have a hot picnic.
Summer time in South Bank is very popular and busy.
There is also place called MT Cootha but I haven’t been there.
I would like to talk about that when I go there next time.
Are these places interesting for you?
Do they make you want to go?
Hope you like it!
See you!